Package com.rsa.certj.cert

Interface Summary
CertExtension This marker interface specifies the extensions that are used as certificate extensions.
CRLEntryExtension This marker interface specifies that the extensions that are used as CRL entry extensions.
CRLExtension This marker interface specifies that the extensions that are used as CRL extensions.
OCSPRequestExtension This marker interface specifies the extensions that are used as an extension in the OCSP response singleExtensions fields defined in rfc 2560.
OCSPSingleExtension This marker interface specifies the extensions that are used as an extension in the OCSP response singleExtensions fields defined in rfc 2560.

Class Summary
AttributeValueAssertion This class contains the Attribute Value Assertion (AVA) components.
Certificate This class builds and holds certificates.
CertRequest This class builds and holds certificate requests.
CRL This class builds and holds a certificate revocation list (CRL).
PKCS10CertRequest This class builds and holds PKCS #10 certificate requests.
RDN This class builds and holds a relative distinguished name.
RevokedCertificates This class builds and holds revoked certificates, which are part of an X.509-defined CRL.
X500Name This class builds and holds X.500 names.
X501Attributes This class builds and holds X.501 attributes.
X509Certificate This class builds and holds X.509 certificates.
X509CRL This class builds and holds X.509 certificate revocation lists (CRLs).
X509V3Extensions This class builds and holds the collection of X.509 version 3 extensions.

Exception Summary
AttributeException This is the exception thrown by any of the classes that work with attributes.
CertificateException This is the exception thrown by any certificate engine routine.
NameException This is the exception thrown by any of the classes that work with names.

RSA BSAFE ® Cert-J 2.1.1 001-047007-211-001-000