
Class X509Certificate

All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, Serializable

public class X509Certificate
extends Certificate
implements Cloneable, Serializable

This class builds and holds X.509 certificates.

Users of a public key must be confident that the associated private key is owned by the correct remote subject (person or system) with which an encryption or digital signature mechanism is to be used. This confidence is obtained by using public key certificates, which are data structures that bind public key values to subjects. The binding is asserted by having a trusted Certificate Authority (CA) digitally sign each certificate. A certificate has a limited valid lifetime which is indicated in its signed contents. A certificate's signature and lifetime can be independently checked by a certificate-using client. This means that certificates can be distributed via untrusted communications and server systems, and can be cached in unsecured storage in certificate-using systems. This class conforms to the X.509 standard.

An X.509 certificate consists of three elements; the inner DER encoding, which contains all the certificate information; the signature algorithm in the form of an AlgorithmIdentifier; and the signature.

 Certificate ::= SEQUENCE {
   innerDER              InnerDER,
   signatureAlgorithm    AlgorithmIdentifier, -- the identifier for the
                              cryptographic algorithm used by the CA to sign
                              this certificate.
   signature             BIT STRING  -- a digital signature computed upon
                                        the ASN.1 DER encoded innerDER.

 InnerDER ::= SEQUENCE {
   version         [0]  EXPLICIT Version DEFAULT v1, -- the version of the 
                                                        encoded certificate.
   serialNumber         CertificateSerialNumber, -- an integer assigned by
                                                  the CA to each certificate.
   signature            AlgorithmIdentifier, -- the algorithm identifier for
                                                the algorithm used by the CA 
                                                to sign the certificate.
   issuer               Name, -- the entity who has signed and issued the
   validity             Validity, -- the time interval during which the CA 
                                  warrants that it will maintain information
                                  about the status of the certificate.
   subject              Name, -- the entity associated with the public key 
                                 stored in the subject public key field.
   subjectPublicKeyInfo SubjectPublicKeyInfo, -- carry the public key and 
                           identify the algorithm with which the key is used.
   issuerUniqueID  [1]  IMPLICIT UniqueIdentifier OPTIONAL,
                        -- If present, version must be v2 or v3,
                           used to handle the possibility of reuse of 
                           issuer names over time
   subjectUniqueID [2]  IMPLICIT UniqueIdentifier OPTIONAL,
                        -- If present, version must be v2 or v3,
                           used to handle the possibility of reuse of 
                           subject names over time
   extensions      [3]  EXPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL
                        -- If present, version must be v3,
                           provide methods for associating additional 
                           attributes with users or public keys and for
                           managing the certification hierarchy. 
See the X500Name class for further descriptions of Name.

See the Crypto-J documentation for further descriptions of SubjectPublicKeyInfo.

When extensions are used, as expected in this profile, use X.509 version 3 (value is X509_VERSION_3). If no extensions are present, but a UniqueIdentifier is present, use version 2 (value is X509_VERSION_2). If only basic fields are present, use version 1 (the value is omitted from the certificate as the default value).

The serial number must be unique for each certificate issued by a given CA. That is, the issuer name and serial number identify a unique certificate.

The signature field in the InnerDER sequence must contain the same algorithm identifier as the signatureAlgorithm field in the sequence Certificate.

The subject name may be carried in the subject field and/or the subjectAltName extension. If the subject is a CA (the basic constraints extension is present and the value of cA is TRUE) then the subject field of this CA certificate must be populated with a non-empty distinguished name matching the contents of the issuer field in all certificates issued by the subject CA. If subject naming information is present only in the subjectAltName extension (a key bound only to an e-mail address or URI), then the subject name must be an empty sequence and the subjectAltName extension must be critical. Where it is non-empty, the subject field must contain an X.500 distinguished name (DN).

Copyright © RSA Security Inc., 1998-2001. All rights reserved.

See Also

Serialized Form

Field Summary

static int


Sets the certificate to be version 1, or determines that an existing certificate is version 1.

static int


Sets the certificate to be version 2, or determines that an existing certificate is version 2.

static int


Sets the certificate to be version 3, or determines that an existing certificate is version 3.

Fields inherited from class com.rsa.certj.cert.Certificate

Constructor Summary


Constructs an empty X.509Certificate object.

X509Certificate(byte[] x509CertBER, int offset, int special)

Constructs a signed X509Certificate object and initializes it with the values given by x509CertBER, the BER encoding of an X.509 signed certificate, beginning at offset.

X509Certificate(byte[] x509CertBER, int offset, int special, CertJ certJContext)


X509Certificate(CertJ certJContext)

Constructs an empty X.509Certificate object with CertJ context.


Method Summary


checkValidityDate(Date validityCheckDate)

Checks the validity dates of this certificate against validityCheckDate.



Overrides the default clone method to get a deeper clone.


compareIssuerAndSerialNumber(byte[] issuerSerial, int offset, int len)

Compares the given issuer and serial number (issuerSerial, the DER encoding of an issuer and serial number) to the issuer and serial number of this certificate.


compareSubjectName(X500Name subjectName)

Compares the given name (subjectName) with the subject name of the certificate represented by this object.


equals(Object obj)

Returns true if this object and obj contain the same X509Certificate, returns false otherwise.


getDEREncoding(byte[] encoding, int offset, int special)

Places the DER encoding of the cert in this object into encoding, beginning at offset.


getDERLen(int special)

Returns the number of bytes in the DER encoding of this certificate.



Gets the end (also known as the "not after") date of this certificate.



Gets the extensions in this certificate.


getInnerDER(byte[] encoding, int offset)

Places the DER encoding of the inner DER of the certificate in this object into encoding, beginning at offset.



Returns the size of the inner DER encoding of the certificate.



Gets the issuer name and serial number as a single entity that can uniquely identify a certificate.



Gets the issuer name of this certificate.



Gets the UniqueIdentifier of the issuer of this certificate.

static int

getNextBEROffset(byte[] x509CertBER, int offset)

Finds the index of the next element to encode, given x509CertBER, the BER encoding of an X.509 certificate beginning at offset.



Gets the serial number of this certificate, and returns the result in a new byte array.



Gets the actual signature octets.



Gets the start (also known as "not before") date of this certificate.



Gets the subject name of this certificate.



Gets the UniqueIdentifier of the subject of this certificate.



Gets the version of this certificate.


setExtensions(X509V3Extensions extensions)

Sets the extensions of this certificate to be extensions.


setInnerDER(byte[] x509InnerDER, int offset)

Sets this object to be the unsigned certificate represented by x509InnerDER, the DER encoding of the inner certificate of an X.509 certificate, beginning at offset.


setIssuerName(X500Name issuerName)

Sets the issuer name of this certificate to be issuerName.


setIssuerUniqueID(byte[] issuerUniqueID, int offset, int len)

Sets the UniqueIentifier of the issuer of this certificate to issuerUniqueID, a value of length len beginning at offset.


setSerialNumber(byte[] serialNumber, int offset, int len)

Sets the serial number of this certificate to be serialNumber, a value of length len, beginning at offset.


setSubjectName(X500Name subjectName)

Sets the subject name of this certificate to be subjectName.


setSubjectUniqueID(byte[] subjectUniqueID, int offset, int len)

Sets the UniqueIdentifier of the subject of this certificate to be subjectUniqueID, a value of length len beginning at offset.


setTimeType(boolean flag)

Sets the flag specifying which type of time encoding to use.


setUnsignedCertFromPKCS10Request(PKCS10CertRequest certRequest)

Creates an X.509 unsigned certificate from the information in a PKCS #10 certificate request.


setValidity(Date start, Date end)

Sets the validity dates of the certificate with the specified start and end dates.


setVersion(int version)

Sets the version of this certificate to be version.


signCertificate(String transformation, String device, com.rsa.jsafe.JSAFE_PrivateKey signingKey, SecureRandom random)

Signs the certificate, using transformation and signingKey on the specified device.


verifyCertificateSignature(String device, com.rsa.jsafe.JSAFE_PublicKey verifyingKey, SecureRandom random)

Verifies the signature on the certificate, using verifyingKey on the specified device.

Methods inherited from class com.rsa.certj.cert.Certificate
getCertJ, getDevice, getDeviceList, getSignatureAlgorithm, getSignatureAlgorithmDER, getSignatureFormat, getSignatureStandard, getSubjectPublicKey, getSubjectPublicKeyBER, getUniqueID, setCertJ, setSignatureStandard, setSubjectPublicKey, setSubjectPublicKey, signCertificate, verifyCertificateSignature, verifyCertificateSignature
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int X509_VERSION_1
Sets the certificate to be version 1, or determines that an existing certificate is version 1.


public static final int X509_VERSION_2
Sets the certificate to be version 2, or determines that an existing certificate is version 2.


public static final int X509_VERSION_3
Sets the certificate to be version 3, or determines that an existing certificate is version 3.
Constructor Detail


public X509Certificate()
Constructs an empty X.509Certificate object.


public X509Certificate(CertJ certJContext)
Constructs an empty X.509Certificate object with CertJ context.



CertJ is a CertJ context.


public X509Certificate(byte[] x509CertBER,
                       int offset,
                       int special)
                throws CertificateException
Constructs a signed X509Certificate object and initializes it with the values given by x509CertBER, the BER encoding of an X.509 signed certificate, beginning at offset.

This constructor only reads the certificate; it does not perform any verification.

The ASN.1 definition of an X.509 certificatge is:

 Certificate ::= SEQUENCE  { innerDER,
                             signature }

That definition means the tag will be 0x30. But a cert object can be part of a PKCS #7 message (or some other construct), and it may have a different tag due to IMPLICIT or EXPLICIT tags. For instance, if the definition is:

     cert   [2] IMPLICIT Certificate
the tag will change from 0x30 to 0xa2. Therefore, it is necessary to pass in the BER encoding of a certificate and to indicate the special nature of the encoding. That is the purpose of special. Set that argument to any special instructions of the BER encoding. For instance, to indicate the following:

      cert   [2] EXPLICIT Certificate
Pass in the following:

      special = (ASN1.CONTEXT_EXPLICIT | 2);

If there are no special circumstances, pass in the following:

     special = 0



The BER encoding of an X.509 signed certificate.


The offset into x509CertBER where the encoding begins.


The special BER circumstances of the encoding, if there are any.


CertificateException - If the BER encoding is not a valid X.509 certificate.


public X509Certificate(byte[] x509CertBER,
                       int offset,
                       int special,
                       CertJ certJContext)
                throws CertificateException
Method Detail


public static int getNextBEROffset(byte[] x509CertBER,
                                   int offset)
                            throws CertificateException
Finds the index of the next element to encode, given x509CertBER, the BER encoding of an X.509 certificate beginning at offset. In other words, gets the next offset after the certificate.

For example, if the offset is 120 and the certificate's BER encoding is 1819 bytes, this method returns 1939, the index immediately following the cert. That is, x509CertBER[120] is the first byte in the encoding of the cert, x509CertBER[1938] is the last byte in the encoding of the cert, and the next element begins at index 1939.



The BER encoding of an X.509 certificate.


The offset into x509CertBER where the encoding begins.


An int that indicates the index to the next element in the BER encoding.


CertificateException - If the method cannot read the BER encoding.


public int getDERLen(int special)
Returns the number of bytes in the DER encoding of this certificate. If this object is not set with values, this method returns 0.

The ASN.1 definition of the certificate is:

      Certificate ::= SEQUENCE { . . . }

That definition means the tag will be 0x30. But a certificate object can be part of a PKCS #7 message (or some other construct), and it may have a different tag due to IMPLICIT or EXPLICIT. This can affect the length. For instance, a definition might include the following:

      cert   [2] EXPLICIT Certificate
Therefore, there must be a way to indicate that the DER encoding of the cert should follow the special nature of this particular encoding. That is the purpose of special. Set that argument to any special instructions of the DER encoding. For instance, to indicate the following:

      cert   [2] EXPLICIT Certificate

Pass in the following:

      special = (ASN1.CONTEXT_EXPLICIT | 2);

If there are no special circumstances, pass in:

      special = 0




The special DER circumstances of the encoding, if there are any.


The size in bytes of the DER encoding of this certificate.


public int getDEREncoding(byte[] encoding,
                          int offset,
                          int special)
                   throws CertificateException
Places the DER encoding of the cert in this object into encoding, beginning at offset. To determine how long the encoding will be, call getDERLen. If this object is not set with a certificate or is not signed, this method throws an exception.

The ASN.1 definition of an X.509 cert is:

      Certificate ::= SEQUENCE  { . . . }
That definition means the tag will be 0x30, But a certificate can be part of a PKCS 7 message (or some other construct), and it may have a different tag due to IMPLICIT or EXPLICIT. For example, the definition could include:

     cert   [2] EXPLICIT Certificate
Therefore, there must be a way to indicate that the DER encoding should follow the special nature of this particular encoding. That is the purpose of special. Set that argument to any special instructions of the DER encoding. For instance, to indicate the following:

     cert   [2] EXPLICIT Certificate

Pass in the following:

     special = (ASN1.CONTEXT_EXPLICIT | 2);

If there are no special circumstances, pass in the following:

     special = 0



The byte array into which the result will be placed


The offset into encoding where the writing begins.


The special DER circumstances of the encoding, if there are any.


The number of bytes actually placed into encoding.


CertificateException - If the certificate is not signed or not all required fields are set.


public void setInnerDER(byte[] x509InnerDER,
                        int offset)
                 throws CertificateException
Sets this object to be the unsigned certificate represented by x509InnerDER, the DER encoding of the inner certificate of an X.509 certificate, beginning at offset.

If the object is set with certificate information, this method deletes any internal copy of that data and replaces it with the new certificate.



The DER encoding of the inner certificate of an X.509 unsigned certificate.


The offset into x509InnerDER where the encoding begins.


CertificateException - If the DER encoding is not a valid X.509 certificate.


public int getInnerDERLen()
Returns the size of the inner DER encoding of the certificate. If this object is not set with values, this method returns 0.


The size in bytes of the inner DER encoding of the certificate information.


public int getInnerDER(byte[] encoding,
                       int offset)
                throws CertificateException
Places the DER encoding of the inner DER of the certificate in this object into encoding, beginning at offset. To determine how long the encoding will be, call getInnerDERLen. If this object is not set with a certificate, this method throws an exception.



The byte array into which the result will be placed.


The offset into encoding where writing begins.


The number of bytes actually placed into encoding.


CertificateException - if the object is not set with a valid signed X.509 certificate.


public void setUnsignedCertFromPKCS10Request(PKCS10CertRequest certRequest)
                                      throws CertificateException
Creates an X.509 unsigned certificate from the information in a PKCS #10 certificate request. It checks all the request attributes for v3 extensions and converts them.

If this object is already set with certificate information, this method deletes any internal copy of that data and replaces it with the new certificate.



A PKCS10CertRequest object.


CertificateException - If the certificate request object does not contain all the necessary information.


public byte[] getSignature()
                    throws CertificateException
Gets the actual signature octets. An X.509 certificate wraps the signature in a BIT STRING. This method unwraps it.


getSignature in class Certificate


A new byte array that contains the signature octets.


CertificateException - If the certificate has not been signed.


public void setVersion(int version)
                throws CertificateException
Sets the version of this certificate to be version. The input should be X509Certificate.X509_VERSION_1, X509Certificate.X509_VERSION_2, or X509Certificate.X509_VERSION_3.

If the certificate object possesses a signature, calling this method deletes the signature.



The new version number for this certificate.


CertificateException - If the input value is an unsupported version number.


public int getVersion()
Gets the version of this certificate. The result will be X509Certificate.X509_VERSION_1, X509Certificate.X509_VERSION_2, or X509Certificate.X509_VERSION_3. If the certificate has not yet been set, this method returns the default version number (v1).


An int that is the version number.


public void setSubjectName(X500Name subjectName)
                    throws CertificateException
Sets the subject name of this certificate to be subjectName.

If the certificate object possesses a signature, calling this method deletes the signature.



An X500Name object that contains the name.


CertificateException - If the subjectName is invalid.


public X500Name getSubjectName()
Gets the subject name of this certificate. If there is no subject name in this certificate, this method returns null.


A new X500Name object that contains the name.


public void setIssuerName(X500Name issuerName)
                   throws CertificateException
Sets the issuer name of this certificate to be issuerName. If the certificate object possesses a signature, calling this method deletes the signature.



An X500Name object that contains the name.


CertificateException - If the issuerName is invalid.


public X500Name getIssuerName()
Gets the issuer name of this certificate. If there is no issuer name in this certificate object, returns null.


A new X500Name object that contains the name.


public void setSerialNumber(byte[] serialNumber,
                            int offset,
                            int len)
Sets the serial number of this certificate to be serialNumber, a value of length len, beginning at offset. If the certificate object possesses a signature, calling this method deletes the signature.



A byte array that contains the serial number.


The offset into serialNumber where the value begins.


The length in bytes of the serial number portion of serialNumber.


public byte[] getSerialNumber()
Gets the serial number of this certificate, and returns the result in a new byte array. If there is no serial number in this certificate, the length of the byte array is 0.


A new byte array that contains the serial number.


public byte[] getIssuerAndSerialNumber()
                                throws CertificateException
Gets the issuer name and serial number as a single entity that can uniquely identify a certificate. Returns the result in a new byte array that is the DER encoding of the following ASN.1 definition.

 IssuerAndSerialNumber ::= SEQUENCE {
   issuer        Name,
   serialNumber  CertificateSerialNumber }

 --see the X500Name class for a ASN.1 definition of Name.
 CertificateSerialNumber ::= INTEGER


A new byte array that contains the DER encoding of the issuer name and serial number.


CertificateException - If the certificate is not set with an issuer name or serial number.


public boolean compareIssuerAndSerialNumber(byte[] issuerSerial,
                                            int offset,
                                            int len)
Compares the given issuer and serial number (issuerSerial, the DER encoding of an issuer and serial number) to the issuer and serial number of this certificate. This method is useful for finding a certificate in a collection.



A byte array that contains the DER encoding of issuer name and serial number.


The offset into issuerSerial where the encoding begins.


The length of the encoding in issuerSerial.


A boolean indicating whether the given issuer name and serial number matches the issuer name and serial number of the certificate represented by this object. Returns true if it matchs, false otherwise.


public boolean compareSubjectName(X500Name subjectName)
Compares the given name (subjectName) with the subject name of the certificate represented by this object. This method is useful for finding a certificate among a collection.



An X500Name object that contains the name to compare.


A boolean indicating whether the given name matches the subject name of the certificate represented by this object. Returns true if it matchess, false otherwise.


public void setTimeType(boolean flag)
Sets the flag specifying which type of time encoding to use.



A true value sets the encoding type to GeneralTime. A false value sets the encoding type to UTC.


public void setValidity(Date start,
                        Date end)
                 throws CertificateException
Sets the validity dates of the certificate with the specified start and end dates. If the certificate object possesses a signature, calling this method deletes the signature.

Note: The start date is also known as the "not before" date. The end date is also known as the "not after" date.



A Date object specifying when the certificate is activated.


A Date object specifying when the certificate expires.


CertificateException - If either of the two dates is null or if the end date is earlier than the start date.


public Date getStartDate()
Gets the start (also known as "not before") date of this certificate. If this certificate does not have a start date, returns null.


a Date object specifying when the certificate is activated.


public Date getEndDate()
Gets the end (also known as the "not after") date of this certificate. If this certificate does not have an end date, this method returns null.


A Date object specifying the expiration date of the certificate.


public boolean checkValidityDate(Date validityCheckDate)
Checks the validity dates of this certificate against validityCheckDate. That is, checks to see if validityCheckDate falls within the range of the start and end dates of this certificate.

For example, to check against the current date, call:

   cert.checkValidityDate (new Date ());



The date against which to check.


A boolean indicating whether the given Date falls within the validity start and end dates of this certificate. Returns true if it does, false otherwise.


public void setIssuerUniqueID(byte[] issuerUniqueID,
                              int offset,
                              int len)
                       throws CertificateException
Sets the UniqueIentifier of the issuer of this certificate to issuerUniqueID, a value of length len beginning at offset. This must be a version 2 or a version 3 certificate. If the certificate object possesses a signature, calling this method deletes the signature.



A byte array that contains the ID.


The offset into issuerUniqueID where the value begins.


The number of bytes of issuerUniqueID that make up the serial number.


CertificateException - If the certificate is not version 2 or version 3.


public byte[] getIssuerUniqueID()
Gets the UniqueIdentifier of the issuer of this certificate. Returns the result in a new byte array. If this certificate does not have an issuer unique ID, this method returns null.


A new byte array that contains the issuer's unique ID.


public void setSubjectUniqueID(byte[] subjectUniqueID,
                               int offset,
                               int len)
                        throws CertificateException
Sets the UniqueIdentifier of the subject of this certificate to be subjectUniqueID, a value of length len beginning at offset. This must be a version 2 or a version 3 certificate. If the certificate object possesses a signature, calling this method will deletes the signature.



A byte array that contains the unique ID.


The offset into subjectUniqueID where the value begins.


The number of bytes of subjectUniqueID that make up the unique ID.


CertificateException - If the certificate is not version 2 or version 3.


public byte[] getSubjectUniqueID()
Gets the UniqueIdentifier of the subject of this certificate. Returns the result in a new byte array. If this certificate does not have a subject unique ID, returns null.


A new byte array that contains the unique ID of the subject.


public void setExtensions(X509V3Extensions extensions)
                   throws CertificateException
Sets the extensions of this certificate to be extensions. If the version associated with this object is not X509_VERSION_3, then this method sets it to X509_VERSION_3. If the certificate object possesses a signature, calling this method deletes the signature.



An X509V3Extensions object that contains the extensions.


CertificateException - If the extensions are of the wrong type, or if cloning of the extensions fails.


public X509V3Extensions getExtensions()
Gets the extensions in this certificate. If there are no extensions, the count of the returned object will be 0.


An X509V3Extensions object that contains the extensions.


public void signCertificate(String transformation,
                            String device,
                            com.rsa.jsafe.JSAFE_PrivateKey signingKey,
                            SecureRandom random)
                     throws CertificateException
Signs the certificate, using transformation and signingKey on the specified device. The format of transformation follows the format specified in the Crypto-J class JSAFE_Signature. The following are examples of transformation arguments:


The format of device follows the format specified in Crypto-J. The following are examples of device arguments:

   Java          --Perform signature using Java code
   Native        --Perform signature using the native link
   Native/Java   --Use native if possible, if not, use Java


signCertificate in class Certificate



A String specifying the algorithm to use to sign the certificate.


A String specifying the device or choice of devices to use in computing the signature.


A JSAFE_PrivateKey used to compute the signature.


Random bytes. If the signature algorithm needs random bytes, get them from this object.


CertificateException - If the code cannot perform the specified transformation on the specified device, if the certificate is not set properly, or if the certificate is already signed.


public boolean verifyCertificateSignature(String device,
                                          com.rsa.jsafe.JSAFE_PublicKey verifyingKey,
                                          SecureRandom random)
                                   throws CertificateException
Verifies the signature on the certificate, using verifyingKey on the specified device.

The format of device follows the format specified in Crypto-J. The following are example device arguments:

   Java          -- Perform verification using Java code
   Native        -- Perform verification using the native link
   Native/Java   -- Use native if possible, if not, use Java


verifyCertificateSignature in class Certificate



A String specifying the device or choice of devices to use in computing the signature.


A JSAFE_PublicKey used to verify the signature.


Random bytes. If the signature algorithm needs random bytes, get them from this object.


A boolean indicating whether the signature on the certificate is valid or not.


CertificateException - If the code cannot perform the signature algorithm on the specified device.


public boolean equals(Object obj)
Returns true if this object and obj contain the same X509Certificate, returns false otherwise.


equals in class Object



The instance of the X509Certificate object.


A boolean that indicates whether these objects are equal.


public Object clone()
             throws CloneNotSupportedException
Overrides the default clone method to get a deeper clone.


A new X509Certificate object, a copy of this object.


CloneNotSupportedException - If the cloning operation is not successful.

RSA BSAFE ® Cert-J 2.1.1 001-047007-211-001-000