Package com.rsa.certj.cert.extensions

Class Summary
ArchiveCutoff This class implements a standard extension, Archive Cutoff, used in an OCSP response message as defined in rfc 2560.
AuthorityInfoAccess This class builds and holds the AuthorityInfoAccess extension.
AuthorityKeyID This class holds, encodes, and decodes the AuthorityKeyID extension.
BasicConstraints This class builds and holds the BasicConstraints extension.
BiometricData This class is used in Biometric Info extension in Qualified Certificates.
BiometricInfo This class builds and holds the BiometricInfo extension.
BuiltInDomainDefinedAttributes This class is used in the GeneralName class.
BuiltInStandardAttributes This class builds and holds a BuiltInStandardAttributes object, that is used in the GeneralName object.
CertificateIssuer This class builds and holds the CertificateIssuer extension.
CertPolicies This class builds and holds the certificate policy extension.
CRLDistributionPoints This class holds the CRL distribution points extension.
CRLNumber This class holds, encodes, and decodes the CRLNumber extension.
CRLReference This class implements a standard extension, CRL References, used in an OCSP response message as defined in rfc 2560.
DeltaCRLIndicator This class builds and holds the DeltaCRLIndicator extension.
EDIPartyName This class holds and builds an EDIPartyName that is used in the GeneralName object.
ExtendedKeyUsage This class builds and holds the ExtendedKeyUsage extension.
ExtendedNetworkAddress This class holds and builds an ExtendedNetworkAddress object that is used in the GeneralName object.
ExtensionAttribute This class holds and builds an ExtensionAttribute object that is used in the GeneralName class.
ExtensionAttributes This class holds and builds an ExtensionAttribute object that is used in the GeneralName class.
GeneralName This class is used to define alternative names in a certificate, especially in SubjectAltName and IssuerAltName extensions.
GeneralNames This class is used in several extensions; for example, AuthorityKeyID and CertificateIssuer.
GeneralSubtrees This class is used in the NameConstraints class.
HoldInstructionCode This class holds, encodes, and decodes the HoldInstructionCode extension.
InhibitAnyPolicy This class holds, encodes, and decodes the InhibitAnyPolicy extension.
InvalidityDate This class holds, encodes, and decodes the InvalidityDate extension.
IssuerAltName This class builds and holds the IssuerAltName extension.
IssuingDistributionPoint This class builds and holds the IssuingDistributionPoint extension.
KeyUsage This class builds, holds, encodes, and decodes the KeyUsage extension.
NameConstraints This class builds and holds the NameConstraints extension, which is used only in a CA certificate.
NetscapeBaseURL This class builds and holds the NetscapeBaseURL extension.
NetscapeCAPolicyURL This class builds and holds the NetscapeCAPolicyURL extension.
NetscapeCARevocationURL This class builds and holds a a relative or absolute URL.
NetscapeCertRenewalURL This class builds and holds the NetscapeCertRenewalURL extension.
NetscapeCertType This class builds and holds the NetscapeCertType extension.
NetscapeComment This class builds and holds the NetscapeComment extension.
NetscapeRevocationURL This class builds and holds the NetscapeRevocationURL extension.
NetscapeSSLServerName This class builds and holds the NetscapeSSLServerName extension.
NonStandardExtension This class holds any extension that is not explicitly supported by Cert-J.
OCSPAcceptableResponses This class builds and holds the OCSP-specific AcceptableResponses extension.
OCSPNoCheck This class builds and holds the OCSP-specific noCheck extension.
OCSPNonce This class builds and holds the OCSP-specific nonce extension.
OCSPServiceLocator This class implements a standard extension, Service Locator, used in an OCSP request message as defined in rfc 2560.
ORAddress This class is used in the GeneralName object.
ORName This class implements several types in the ORAddress object; the ORAddress is used in the GeneralName object.
OtherName This class is used in the GeneralName object.
PDSParameter This class is used in the GeneralName object.
PersonalName This class is used in the GeneralName object.
PolicyConstraints This class builds and holds the PolicyConstraints extension.
PolicyMappings This class builds and holds the PolicyMappings extension.
PolicyQualifiers This class contains the policy qualifier values for the CertificatePolicies extension.
PresentationAddress This class is used in the GeneralNames object.
PrivateKeyUsagePeriod This class builds and holds the PrivateKeyUsagePeriod extension.
QCStatements This class builds and holds the QCStatements extension, which is used for inclusion of defined statements related to Qualified Certificates.
ReasonCode This class holds, encodes, and decodes the ReasonCode extension.
SemanticsInformation This class is used in QC Statements extension in Qualified Certificates.
SubjectAltName This class builds and holds the SubjectAltName extension.
SubjectDirectoryAttributes This class builds and holds the SubjectDirectoryAttributes extension.
SubjectKeyID This class holds, encodes, and decodes the SubjectKeyID extension.
TeletexDomainDefinedAttributes This class is used in the GeneralName class.
TeletexPersonalName This class is used in the GeneralName class.
UnformattedPostalAddress This class is used in the GeneralName class.
VeriSignCZAG This class builds and holds the VeriSignCZAG extension.
VeriSignFidelityUniqueID This class builds and holds the VeriSignFidelityUniqueID extension.
VeriSignJurisdictionHash This class builds and holds the VeriSignJurisdictionHash extension.
VeriSignNetscapeInBoxV1 This class builds and holds the VeriSignNetscapeInBoxV1 extension that is the Netscape InBox program version 1 extension.
VeriSignNetscapeInBoxV2 This class builds and holds the VeriSignNetscapeInBoxV2 extension that is the Netscape InBox program version 2 extension.
VeriSignNonVerifiedElements This class builds and holds the VeriSignNonVerifiedElements extension.
VeriSignSerialNumberRollover This class builds and holds the VeriSignSerialNumberRollover extension.
VeriSignTokenType This class builds and holds the VeriSignTokenType extension.
X509V3Extension This class is the superclass of all X.509 V3 extension objects.

RSA BSAFE ® Cert-J 2.1.1 001-047007-211-001-000