Package com.rsa.certj.xml

Class Summary
Base64Transformer This class implements a Base64 transformation that decodes input data.
C14NTransformer This class implements the canonical XML transformation without comments.
Canonicalizer This class defines the methods to canonicalize an XPath node-set, Node, and Attr objects.
FunctionHere This class defines the here() function for XPath evaluation.
KeyInfo This class builds and stores a KeyInfo element.
KeyInfoUtils Adds a user-defined KeyInfo class to an internal hash table that stores all supported KeyInfos objects.
KeyValue This class builds and stores a KeyValue element in KeyInfo.
NodeListImpl This class implements NodeList and adds a new Node object to the NodeList object.
ParserHandler This class defines methods for reading and writing XML signatures to or from an XML document.
RetrievalMethod This class builds and stores the RetrievalMethod element in KeyInfo.
Transformer This class is a base class for different transformers.
TransformUtils This class provides the ability to add a user-defined transformation class to the internal hash table that stores all the supported transformers.
X509Data This class stores one or more identifiers of X.509 certificates such as subject name, issuer serial number, and so on, that can be useful for validation.
XPATHTransformer This class implements an XPath transformation.
XPointerHandler This class implements XPointer operation.

Exception Summary
XMLException This class defines an exception that is used when an error occurs in XML signature processing.

RSA BSAFE ® Cert-J 2.1.1 001-047007-211-001-000