
Class CMPErrorMessage


public final class CMPErrorMessage
extends CMPResponseCommon

This class holds information about an error message, error, being received from a CMP PKI server. Note: Objects that are passed to a constructor or method of this class, or returned from a method of this class, are shared. No copy is made. It is advisable to make a copy of the object before passing it to a constructor or method of this class or after getting it from a method of this class.

Copyright © RSA Security Inc., 2000-2001. All rights reserved.

Fields inherited from class com.rsa.certj.spi.pki.PKIMessage

Method Summary



Returns a boolean value indicating whether an implementation-specific error code is returned in a error message received from the CMP PKI server.



Returns an int value indicating the implementation-specific error code returned in a error message received from the CMP PKI server.



Returns a String array holding implementation-specific error details returned in a error message received from the CMP PKI server.

Methods inherited from class com.rsa.certj.provider.pki.cmp.CMPResponseCommon
getGeneralInfo, getRecipientName, getRecipKID, getRecipNonce, getSenderKID, getSenderName, getSenderNonce
Methods inherited from class com.rsa.certj.spi.pki.PKIResponseMessage
getCACerts, getCertificate, getPrivateKey, getRegInfo, getStatusInfo, setCACerts, setCertificate, setPrivateKey, setRegInfo
Methods inherited from class com.rsa.certj.spi.pki.PKIMessage
getEncryptionName, getEncryptionParams, getExtraCerts, getExtraCRLs, getFreeText, getMessageTime, getProviderData, getRecipient, getSender, getTransactionID, getVersion, getWrapType, setExtraCerts, setExtraCRLs, setFreeText, setMessageTime, setProviderData, setTransactionID, setVersion, setWrapInfo
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public boolean errorCodePresent()
Returns a boolean value indicating whether an implementation-specific error code is returned in a error message received from the CMP PKI server.


true if an implementation-specific error code is returned in a error message received from the CMP PKI server; false otherwise.


public int getErrorCode()
                 throws CMPException
Returns an int value indicating the implementation-specific error code returned in a error message received from the CMP PKI server. The value returned from this method is meaningful only if the errorCodePresent method returns true before calling this method.


An int value indicating the implementation-specific error code returned in a error message received from the CMP PKI server.


CMPException - If error code did not return from the CMP server.


public String[] getErrorDetails()
Returns a String array holding implementation-specific error details returned in a error message received from the CMP PKI server. If there is no error, this method returns null.


A String array holding implementation-specific error details returned in a error message received from the CMP PKI server.

RSA BSAFE ® Cert-J 2.1.1 001-047007-211-001-000