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API Reference

Cert-C Error Codes (by Category)

APPL_CTX | Attributes | Cert Path Provider | CERT_OBJ | CERT_REQUEST_OBJ | CRL_OBJ | Crypto API | EXTENSIONS_OBJ | General | LDAP | Name | OCSP Revocation Status Provider | PKCS #11 Database Provider | PKCS #7 | PKCS10_OBJ | PKI | Registering Extensions | Service Provider


APPL_CTX Error Values Listed by Hex Value | Alphabetical Listing
Returned Value Hex Dec Description
E_APPL_CTX 0x073e 1854 Invalid application context


Attributes Error Values Listed by Hex Value | Alphabetical Listing
Returned Value Hex Dec Description
E_ATTRIBUTE_TAG 0x070d 1805 Attribute tag is invalid
E_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE 0x070e 1806 Attribute type is invalid
E_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_LEN 0x070f 1807 Attribute type length is invalid
E_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_NOT_FOUND 0x0710 1808 Attribute not found
E_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE 0x0711 1809 Attribute value is invalid
E_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_INDEX 0x0713 1811 Index out of bounds
E_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_LEN 0x0712 1810 Attribute value length is invalid
E_ATTRIBUTES_ENCODING 0x0714 1812 Invalid encoding format for attributes
E_ATTRIBUTES_OBJ 0x0715 1813 Invalid attributes object


Cert Path Provider Error Values Listed by Hex Value | Alphabetical Listing
Returned Value Hex Dec Description
E_NOT_VALIDATED 0x0751 1873 Validation process failed
E_PATH_ALG_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x0752 1874 Path algorithm not supported
E_PATH_NOT_FOUND 0x0750 1872 Valid cert path not found
E_PATH_POLICY 0x0754 1876 Required policy not present or the path is not validated under the given user policies
E_PATH_POLICY_MAPPING 0x0755 1877 Illegal policy mapping detected in the Issuer Domain Policy
E_PATH_PROVIDER 0x0753 1875 Path provider specific warning


CERT_OBJ Error Values Listed by Hex Value | Alphabetical Listing
Returned Value Hex Dec Description
E_CERT_FIELDS 0x0726 1830 CertFields parameter is null
E_CERT_OBJ 0x0727 1831 Certificate object is invalid
E_CERT_SERIAL 0x0728 1832 Unused
E_CERT_VERSION 0x0729 1833 Certificate version is incorrect
E_COMPUTE_ASN_SIGNATURE 0x0718 1816 Error computing digital signature
E_COMPUTE_DIGEST 0x0719 1817 Error computing digest
E_DER_UNKNOWN 0x071a 1818 Encoded data missing
E_INNER_DER_UNKNOWN 0x071c 1820 Invalid encoded format for certificate request
E_ISSUER_NAME 0x071d 1821 Invalid encoded format for issuer name
E_KEY_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x071b 1819 Key info type not supported
E_PRIVATE_KEY 0x071e 1822 Private key is null or does not match public key
E_PUBLIC_KEY 0x071f 1823 Public key is null
E_SIGN_VALUE_UNKNOWN 0x0721 1825 Encoded data to be signed is missing
E_SIGNATURE_ALG_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x0722 1826 Signature algorithm not supported
E_SIGNATURE_ALG_UNKNOWN 0x0723 1827 Signature algorithm identifier is missing
E_SUBJECT_NAME 0x0724 1828 Invalid encoded format for subject name
E_VERIFY_ASN_SIGNATURE 0x0725 1829 Error verifying digital signature


CERT_REQUEST_OBJ Error Values Listed by Hex Value | Alphabetical Listing
Returned Value Hex Dec Description
E_CERT_EXTENSIONS 0x072a 1834 Invalid encoded format for extensions
E_CERT_REQUEST_ENCODING 0x072f 1839 Invalid encoded format for certificate request
E_CERT_REQUEST_FIELDS 0x072b 1835 Certificate request fields parameter is null
E_CERT_REQUEST_OBJ 0x072c 1836 Certificate request object is invalid
E_CERT_REQUEST_VERSION 0x072d 1837 Certificate request version is incorrect
E_COMPUTE_ASN_SIGNATURE 0x0718 1816 Error computing digital signature
E_COMPUTE_DIGEST 0x0719 1817 Error computing digest
E_DER_UNKNOWN 0x071a 1818 Encoded data missing
E_INNER_DER_UNKNOWN 0x071c 1820 Invalid encoded format for certificate request
E_INVALID_SIGNATURE 0x072e 1838 Error verifying digital signature
E_ISSUER_NAME 0x071d 1821 Invalid encoded format for issuer name
E_KEY_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x071b 1819 Key info type not supported
E_PKCS10_ENCODING 0x072f 1839 Encoding is incorrect
E_PKCS10_FIELDS 0x072b 1835 Fields are invalid
E_PKCS10_OBJ 0x072c 1836 Object is invalid
E_PKCS10_VERSION 0x072d 1837 Version is incorrect
E_PRIVATE_KEY 0x071e 1822 Private key is null or does not match public key
E_PUBLIC_KEY 0x071f 1823 Public key is null
E_SIGN_VALUE_UNKNOWN 0x0721 1825 Encoded data to be signed is missing
E_SIGNATURE_ALG_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x0722 1826 Signature algorithm not supported
E_SIGNATURE_ALG_UNKNOWN 0x0723 1827 Signature algorithm identifier is missing
E_SUBJECT_NAME 0x0724 1828 Invalid encoded format for subject name
E_VERIFY_ASN_SIGNATURE 0x0725 1829 Error verifying digital signature


CRL_OBJ Error Values Listed by Hex Value | Alphabetical Listing
Returned Value Hex Dec Description
E_COMPUTE_ASN_SIGNATURE 0x0718 1816 Error computing digital signature
E_COMPUTE_DIGEST 0x0719 1817 Error computing digest
E_CRL_ENTRIES_OBJ 0x0730 1840 CRL entries object is invalid
E_CRL_ENTRY_EXTENSIONS 0x0731 1841 Invalid encoded format for extensions
E_CRL_EXTENSIONS 0x0732 1842 Invalid encoded format for extensions
E_CRL_FIELDS 0x0733 1843 CrlFields parameter is null
E_CRL_OBJ 0x0734 1844 CRL object is invalid
E_CRL_VERSION 0x0735 1845 CRL version is incorrect
E_DER_UNKNOWN 0x071a 1818 Encoded data missing
E_INNER_DER_UNKNOWN 0x071c 1820 Invalid encoded format for certificate request
E_ISSUER_NAME 0x071d 1821 Invalid encoded format for issuer name
E_KEY_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x071b 1819 Key info type not supported
E_LIST_OBJ 0x0736 1846 List object is invalid
E_PRIVATE_KEY 0x071e 1822 Private key is null or does not match public key
E_PUBLIC_KEY 0x071f 1823 Public key is null
E_SIGN_VALUE_UNKNOWN 0x0721 1825 Encoded data to be signed is missing
E_SIGNATURE_ALG_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x0722 1826 Signature algorithm not supported
E_SIGNATURE_ALG_UNKNOWN 0x0723 1827 Signature algorithm identifier is missing
E_SUBJECT_NAME 0x0724 1828 Invalid encoded format for subject name
E_VERIFY_ASN_SIGNATURE 0x0725 1829 Error verifying digital signature


Crypto API Error Values Listed by Hex Value | Alphabetical Listing
Returned Value Hex Dec Description
E_CANT_ASSOCIATE_CERT_WITH_KEY 0x07A5 1957 Cannot associate cert with private key
E_DELETE 0x07A2 1954 Cannot delete cert/CRL/ key
E_INSERT 0x07A0 1952 Cannot insert cert/CRL/ key
E_KEY 0x07A4 1956 Invalid key, key specs, etc.
E_PROV_DLL_NOT_FOUND 0x07A7 1959 Provider DLL not found
E_PROVIDER 0x07A3 1955 CSP-related error (cannot acquire context, etc.)
E_RETRIEVE 0x07A1 1953 Cannot retrieve cert/ CRL/key


EXTENSIONS_OBJ Error Values Listed by Hex Value | Alphabetical Listing
Returned Value Hex Dec Description
E_EXTENSION_ALREADY_EXISTS 0x0737 1847 Extensions object already contains given extension
E_EXTENSION_TYPE_NOT_ALLOWED 0x0738 1848 Extension type not allowed this type of object
E_EXTENSIONS_OBJ 0x0739 1849 Invalid extensions object
E_INVALID_CRITICALITY 0x073a 1850 Encoded as non-critical but registered as critical
E_MULTIPLE_VALUES_NOT_ALLOWED 0x073b 1851 Extension is single- valued
E_UNKNOWN_CRITICAL_EXTENSION 0x073c 1852 No handler for critical extension
E_VALUE_INDEX 0x073d 1853 Extension value index out of bounds


General Error Values Listed by Hex Value | Alphabetical Listing
Returned Value Hex Dec Description
E_ALLOC 0x0700 1792 Out of memory
E_BER_ENCODING 0x0701 1793 Certificate extension error: the extension is poorly encoded, or the same extension type appears more than once in an extensions object
E_CERTC_CTX 0x07f0 2032 Invalid CERTC_CTX
E_DATA 0x0703 1795 Generic data error
E_HMAC_FAILED 0x07A6 1958 HMAC validation failed
E_INDEX 0x0704 1796 Index out of bounds
E_INPUT_DATA 0x0705 1797 Invalid encoding format for input data
E_INPUT_LEN 0x0706 1798 Invalid total length for input data
E_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x0707 1799 Invalid function parameter
E_NOT_FOUND 0x0708 1800 No matching entry found
E_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x0709 1801 Operation not supported
E_OID_MISMATCH 0x07e0 2016 OIDs do not match
E_OUTPUT_LEN 0x070a 1802 Output buffer is too small
E_OVER_32K 0x070b 1803 Data block exceeds 32767 bytes
E_VALIDITY 0x070c 1804 Validity period start later than end
E_VALUE_NOT_SET 0x07a8 1960 Value not set


LDAP Error Values Listed by Hex Value | Alphabetical Listing
Returned Value Hex Dec Description
E_LDAP_ATTR_NOTFOUND 0x0774 1908 DN or search filter component not found in subject name
E_LDAP_ATTRLIST 0x0773 1907 Problem building base DN or search filter for LDAP search
E_LDAP_ERROR 0x0770 1904 Generic LDAP error. LDAP return codes provide more information
E_LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT 0x0771 1905 LDAP operation failed, returned LDAP_NO_ SUCH_OBJECT
E_LDAP_UNBIND 0x0772 1906 LDAP unbind failed


Name Error Values Listed by Hex Value | Alphabetical Listing
Returned Value Hex Dec Description
E_NAME_ENCODING 0x0717 1815 Invalid encoded format for name
E_NAME_OBJ 0x0716 1814 Invalid name object


OCSP Revocation Status Provider Error Values Listed by Hex Value | Alphabetical Listing
Returned Value Hex Dec Description
E_BUSY 0x0793 1939 Requested service busy
E_PKI_NONCE_MISMATCH 0x0785 1925 Sender and recipient nonce mismatch
E_PKI_SIGNER_COUNT 0x0783 1923 Number of expected verified signers incorrect
E_PKI_TRANSPORT 0x078a 1930 Data transport i/o error
E_PKI_UNEXPECTED_DATA 0x0788 1928 Data unanticipated by provider
E_SERVER_FAILURE 0x0795 1941 Server internal error handling request


PKCS #11 Database Provider Error Values Listed by Hex Value | Alphabetical Listing
Returned Value Hex Dec Description
E_PKCS11DB_BAD_PIN 0x07C7 1991 PIN is incorrect, expired, or locked
E_PKCS11DB_CRYPTOKIFUNCTIONS 0x07C1 1985 Cryptoki function list not obtained or provided
E_PKCS11DB_INIT_LIBRARY 0x07C2 1986 PKCS #11 library could not be initialized
E_PKCS11DB_LIBRARY_ERROR 0x07C0 1984 PKCS #11 library error
E_PKCS11DB_LIBRARY_NOT_FOUND 0x07c9 1993 PKCS #11 library not found
E_PKCS11DB_LIBRARY_VERSION 0x07C3 1987 PKCS #11 library is back-level
E_PKCS11DB_LOGIN_FAILED 0x07C8 1992 Unable to login PKCS #11 session
E_PKCS11DB_NO_TOKENS_PRESENT 0x07C5 1989 No tokens found in any slot
E_PKCS11DB_OPEN_SESSION 0x07C4 1988 Could not open session to the token
E_PKCS11DB_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND 0x07C6 1990 Unable to find token with given label


PKCS #7 Error Values Listed by Hex Value | Alphabetical Listing
Returned Value Hex Dec Description
E_C_CMS_OBJ 0x07d0 2000 Invalid CMS object
E_CMSF_OPTION 0x0763 1891 CMS option not supported
E_DIGEST_ALG_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x0760 1888 Message digest algorithms not supported
E_DIGEST_NOT_MATCHED 0x0761 1889 Digest does not match
E_ENCRYPT_ALG_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x0762 1890 Message encryption algorithms not supported
E_KEY_ENCRYPTION_ALG_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x0766 1894 Recipient key encryption algorithms not supported
E_MESSAGE_TYPE_NOT_VALID 0x0764 1892 Message type not valid
E_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x0765 1893 Version of message not supported


PKCS10_OBJ Error Values Listed by Hex Value | Alphabetical Listing
Returned Value Hex Dec Description
E_CERT_EXTENSIONS 0x072a 1834 Invalid encoded format for extensions
E_CERT_REQUEST_ENCODING 0x072f 1839 Invalid encoded format for certificate request
E_CERT_REQUEST_FIELDS 0x072b 1835 Certificate request fields parameter is null
E_CERT_REQUEST_OBJ 0x072c 1836 Certificate request object is invalid
E_CERT_REQUEST_VERSION 0x072d 1837 Certificate request version is incorrect
E_COMPUTE_ASN_SIGNATURE 0x0718 1816 Error computing digital signature
E_COMPUTE_DIGEST 0x0719 1817 Error computing digest
E_DER_UNKNOWN 0x071a 1818 Encoded data missing
E_INNER_DER_UNKNOWN 0x071c 1820 Invalid encoded format for certificate request
E_INVALID_SIGNATURE 0x072e 1838 Error verifying digital signature
E_ISSUER_NAME 0x071d 1821 Invalid encoded format for issuer name
E_KEY_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x071b 1819 Key info type not supported
E_PKCS10_ENCODING 0x072f 1839 Encoding is incorrect
E_PKCS10_FIELDS 0x072b 1835 Fields are invalid
E_PKCS10_OBJ 0x072c 1836 Object is invalid
E_PKCS10_VERSION 0x072d 1837 Version is incorrect
E_PRIVATE_KEY 0x071e 1822 Private key is null or does not match public key
E_PUBLIC_KEY 0x071f 1823 Public key is null
E_SIGN_VALUE_UNKNOWN 0x0721 1825 Encoded data to be signed is missing
E_SIGNATURE_ALG_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x0722 1826 Signature algorithm not supported
E_SIGNATURE_ALG_UNKNOWN 0x0723 1827 Signature algorithm identifier is missing
E_SUBJECT_NAME 0x0724 1828 Invalid encoded format for subject name
E_VERIFY_ASN_SIGNATURE 0x0725 1829 Error verifying digital signature


PKI Error Values Listed by Hex Value | Alphabetical Listing
Returned Value Hex Dec Description
E_BUSY 0x0793 1939 Requested service busy
E_CERT_TEMPLATE_OBJ 0x0798 1944 Certificate template object is invalid
E_NOT_AUTHORIZED 0x0794 1940 Not authorized or identified to use service
E_NOURI 0x0796 1942 Missing URI information; unable to make request
E_OS_PLATFORM 0x0792 1938 Platform-specific error (library binding, etc.)
E_PKI_INCORRECT_MSGTYPE 0x0789 1929 Incorrect message type
E_PKI_INVALID_CONFIGURATION 0x0786 1926 Configuration information specified incorrectly
E_PKI_MISSING_POP 0x0784 1924 Required Proof-of- Possession missing
E_PKI_MSG_INVALID 0x0780 1920 Message BER/DER is malformed
E_PKI_MSG_OBJ 0x0781 1921 PKI message object is invalid
E_PKI_MSG_TYPE 0x0782 1922 PKI message object is not the correct type
E_PKI_NONCE_MISMATCH 0x0785 1925 Sender and recipient nonce mismatch
E_PKI_OBJ 0x0797 1943 Invalid PKI_xxx object
E_PKI_SIGNER_COUNT 0x0783 1923 Number of expected verified signers incorrect
E_PKI_TRANSACTION_ID_MISMATCH 0x0787 1927 Sender and recipient transaction ID mismatch
E_PKI_TRANSPORT 0x078a 1930 Data transport i/o error
E_PKI_UNEXPECTED_DATA 0x0788 1928 Data unanticipated by provider
E_SERVER_FAILURE 0x0795 1941 Server internal error handling request
E_STATUS_INFO_OBJ 0x0799 1945 Status information object is invalid
E_TIMEOUT 0x0791 1937 Timeout occurred during operation
E_URL_ENCODING 0x0790 1936 Data incorrectly URL- encoded


Registering Extensions Error Values Listed by Hex Value | Alphabetical Listing
Returned Value Hex Dec Description
E_DEFAULT_STANDARD_EXTENSION 0x073f 1855 Tried to unregister a default standard extension
E_EXTENSIONS_OBJ_TYPE 0x0740 1856 Invalid extensions object type
E_INVALID_HANDLER 0x0741 1857 Handler is missing required function pointers
E_OVERRIDE_CRITICAL_NOT_ALLOWED 0x0743 1859 Registered criticality may not be changed
E_OVERRIDE_HANDLER_NOT_ALLOWED 0x0742 1858 Handler may not be overridden


Service Provider Error Values Listed by Hex Value | Alphabetical Listing
Returned Value Hex Dec Description
E_CRYPTO 0x074b 1867 Generic crypto service provider error
E_DB 0x074a 1866 Generic database service provider error
E_DUPLICATE_SERVICE 0x0745 1861 Duplicate service provider not allowed
E_EOS 0x0747 1863 End of i/o stream
E_IO 0x0746 1862 Generic i/o service provider error
E_LOG 0x0748 1864 Generic log service provider error
E_NO_SERVICE 0x0744 1860 Service provider not found
E_SURRENDER 0x0749 1865 Generic surrender service provider error

RSA BSAFE® Cert-C 2.7 API Reference